Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Christmas 2009

Merry Christmas to All –

            I’m Zoey and I’m the lovable, give-me-some-more-attention, favorite, 3 year old, Collie Mix in the family.  It’s my year to write the family Christmas letter.  It was my turn last year but I was so busy exploring our new neighborhood, chasing geese and the wandering occasional goat off our new property, that really, I just didn’t have time.  Mom and Dad say this is my last chance to write the letter or it will be someone else’s turn.
            At the end of last year Mom and Dad had a new house built.  It’s bigger than the last one and there is lots of room for me to run and run.  I got new friends to chase tails with and all is good, but they only let me sleep in the garage.  Through the windows, it seems like it would be nicer to be inside.
            Based on how often I’m chasing the car away from, or back towards, the house, Mom and Dad are still really busy.  In November they were gone too long and a neighbor girl took care of me.  Something about a wedding at the Provo Temple and now I’m going to have to get use to a new big girl stopping by to visit.  Her name is apparently Allison and some people say she is really cute and nice.  Michael is a lucky guy; they showed me her picture.  They live in Provo where Allison goes to BYU and Michael works.
            Courtney and her husband Will live in Cheney, WA.  It’s about 2 hours away.  He is getting his Master’s degree to become a social worker and she is working.  I think I heard they are expecting a little girl puppy around March 3rd.  They plan to name the puppy Whitney Anne.  Personally, I think “Zoey” or “Zoette” would be a better name.  She is getting pretty big, must be eating too many dog biscuits. 
            Erin and her husband David were married this year in the Columbia River Temple.  Lots of extra food; I just love big parties.  The house was packed and people were running all around like a bunch of wild dogs.  Man it must be tough to put together a wedding!  David is working on his Master’s degree in some computer field in Provo and Erin is working on her Bachelor’s degree in History (I think of Dogs).
            Zach is the big guy at home; bigger than Dad.  He is a senior in high school and recently earned his Black Belt in Taekwondo; whatever that is.  He pretends he doesn’t love me, but I’m sure he does.  He’s writing essays and filling out forms.  He wants to get a scholarship or two and go to BYU (look at that, I’m a poet and didn’t even know it).  He’s really good at school; I hear he got a 5 on the AP Calculus test.  He also just did his Eagle project at a city park.  Lots and lots of work but now the neighborhood dogs will have a place to go play.
            Kylee is now a freshman at the new high school in Pasco. No wonder that car of ours never stops moving.  She is involved in Key club, Buddy club, has piano lessons every week and studies all the time, and loves going to church dances.  No wonder she rarely comes outside to just roll around in the dirt with me.  Dad says all the boys like her and I’m supposed to bite their legs if they get too close.
            Kaitlin is my owner, or at least I let her think she is.  She’s awesome.  She feeds me and gives me water, and buys me treats, and plays with me, and makes sure I’m warm and clean.  She’s a great owner.  She’s very busy with Taekwondo and piano. It’s her first year in public school (or obedience school, or something). She gets good grades and studies really hard.  She loves to cook with Mom and does a great job.  She earned 1st place in a pie making competition at the church fair.  I was so proud. 
            Conner is 7 now and keeps Mom really busy.  Conner doesn’t go away for school most days but instead stays home with Mom and she teaches him all sorts of math and reading and science. I’m so smart that I can roll over and play dead and fetch, but Conner must be really smart!  He has lots of fun playing with the neighborhood kids and looks forward to being baptized.  He likes video games and can crush Dad.
            Mom and Dad are busy taking care of the whole family.  Mom’s in the Relief Society presidency at church and Dad teaches Zach’s Sunday School class – bet Zach loves that.  Dad still works for Lockheed Martian or something like that.  May this season be one of love and happiness and appreciation of the Savior for you and yours. 
            Since my family was so lax and didn’t send out cards last year –  They would love to hear from you and I am interested in chasing off the mailman, so…  

And what a bummer - they didn't even include me in the family picture!  How rude is that?


terramisu said...

I'm laughing cuz only someone with 7 kids would have their dog write the family's Christmas letter!!!

Deborama said...

HOw cute! I LOVE that family picture! The yellow dresses are so pretty! We miss you guys, Rin really misses Kaitlyn! We came to visit at school at lunch but they wouldn't let her in! ???