Friday, May 8, 2009

Bad Scooter, Bad!

Here is a picture of the infamous scooter and it's victim.

Conner broke his right arm - just fell off the scooter. Michael wanted to know how someone can fall such a short distance and do such damage. (at the most two feet - from a standing position) He chose a glow-in-the-dark cast - tried to take a picture in the dark - but it didn't work out so well - sorry. Conner was asked at MCP (his homeschool group) how he sleeps at night with a glow-in-the-dark cast and his response was, "With my eyes closed!" DUH! In a few weeks he will get a shorter cast, but right now it goes past his elbow and halfway up. Kind of big for such a little guy.


terramisu said...

His arm was so useless when he was at our house last week (that was bc- before cast though) glad that it will heal and feel better for him now!!!

Oh! and the glow in the dark and sleeping with the eyes closed comment was funny!!!

Deborama said...

Zach is so awesome! He is so quiet but I can tell there is a hilarous clever guy under there! When he is with friends and doesn't know Im ease dropping, I've heard it! :) Conner is too funny, my girls love him! They ask to see him a few times a day! Your lucky I say no! :) Thanks for watching them Friday!